Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sarah Palin Is Energy Nut Case-Calls For Socialized Energy

CNN just carried Sarah Palin's speech from Toledo Ohio on Energy...the lady is a religious nut case with no firm grasp on the topic of Energy. She touts experience that is not there, and with every word out of her mouth, it becomes obvious that she is without a clue. First, her drill baby drill is offensive, and shows zero respect for the environment. This should not be a surprise as she has filed two law suits objecting to the Federal Government's placement of animals onto the endangered species list...why you might ask...because having. as example. Polar Bears on the list interferes with some of her own pet projects. Putting whales on the endangered species list in Alaska endangers her own SECOND BRIDGE TO NOWHERE, a $600 Million dollar bridge to serve the 7,000 residents of Wasilla, Alaska.

Her beloved pipeline might not even be built, and even if it makes it from the drawing board into reality, it represents a drop in the bucket, not a solution. When you put it into perspective, when you realize we would not see a cubic foot of gas from said pipeline before 2025, she is blowing smoke up our collective asses.

She goes on to say that she and John McCain will see to it that America will build 45 New nuclear reactors by 2030...sorry, but it cannot be done, and even if the obstacles could be overcome, are we prepared for Socialized Energy that rapes the American Taxpayer, and the American energy consumer, while ruining our environment, bringing cancers and birth defects to our doorsteps?

1. There is a horrific manpower shortage in the nuclear industry, and it will take at least one decade to address that shortage. The reality is simple...there are not enough qualified and trained employees to build, manage and operate 45 new reactors by 2030.

2. Even if the manpower issues were resolved, there is not enough manufacturing base to get the necessary parts to meet Sarah Palin's timeline for 45 new reactors. Further, the NEI, the NRC and our government is wrongfully assuming that American Communities will welcome these new reactors with open arms, assumes they can simply force communities already hosting old, outdated and problematic reactors into accepting FURTHER RISKS.

3. Wall Street will not fund 45 new reactors, which is why the nuclear industry wants our tax dollars to build those nuclear reactors, even though they will be owned and operated by private for profit companies. What is wrong with this picture? With our taxes, we build the reactors, but our government gives them over to private companies that will then BILL US FOR OUR ENERGY, energy being supplied because we built the about a redistribution of wealth. Additionally, if Nuclear Energy is so SAFE, VITAL and SECURE, end the Price Anderson Act that keeps every American from getting nuclear accident insurance to protect their own assets, their own homes, their own health!

Further, nuclear cannot exist as a viable industry unless it remains always a socialized industry subsidized with our taxes in a never ending bailout. GNEP (the Global Nuclear Energy Program) asks the American Taxpayer to underwrite a $1.5 -$5 Trillion dollar nuclear reprocessing plant that might not even work. Further, and very important...the fuel that would be created if the process does work cannot be used in the 45 AP1000 Nuclear Reactors that John McCain wants to build! Even more deplorable, GNEP makes America the nuclear waste dump for the entire world's nuclear energy programs and reactors. Are you as a citizen prepared to have China, Russia, North Korea and other rogue nations wastes being shipped across the world's oceans to the doorsteps of America? Are you willing to risk your child, your wife, your husband, your mother having CANCER in the name of reprocessing fuel for a country that abuses human rights, oppresses the people of Tibet, imprisons their populations, putting them into forced labor camps, using them in the name of Capitalizing China?

Are you, your children and their children's children prepared to pay the costs that this international socialized Energy Program will bring about? With every new reactor comes more breast cancer, more childhood leukemia, more birth defects, more stillborn children. Nuclear Energy is AN ABORTION MACHINE that every Pro-Life American should be up in arms about. Sarah Palin is a hypocrite to claim she is Pro Life will endorsing a Energy Program that puts the unborn child at a far greater risk than abortion ever has or will. GNEP will make America the world's Nuclear Waste Dump, and with that new global responsibility, we are inviting a Holocaust into America of proportions that will far outstrip those visited upon the Jews with Germany's NAZI Death Camps.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ten Simple Contributions You can Make to Reduce Global Warming

Scientists estimate that Glacier National Park in Montana will not have a single glacier left by 2030. Scary thought that a National Park, and its singular attraction will disappear from the face of the earth in what amounts to the blink of an eye if we do not change our ways, take steps to reduce dramatic climate changes being brought on by Global Warming. Change starts at home, especially here in America. We make up 22 percent of the world’s population, yet account for 22 percent of all Green House gas emissions. Each of us, doing our own part can effect positive changes that will begin reducing Green House gases, and in turn, reversing the harmful effects being wrought by Global Warming. Below is a top ten list of simple steps you can take to be a part of the solution.


Recycling is simple, and something we can do everyday. One ton of recycled paper saves 17 trees and 7,000 gallons of water. Trees act as natural scrubbers, actively removing CO2 from the atmosphere, sequestering it from doing harm. Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to power a television for three hours. Freecycling works the same way, but amounts to giving away to friends, family or charity things you no longer use or need, rather than throwing them away and seeing them end up in a landfill.

Buy and Shop Locally

The average meal on the American table travels more than 1,200 miles all the while using precious energy, adding CO2 the environment, and increasing our personal carbon footprint. Make an effort to buy products that are locally produced.

Eat Less Meat (Notice I do not say, “eat no meat”…I like my steak.)

Raising, Slaughtering and transporting Livestock is responsible for 18 percent of global warming emissions. Also, the millions of cattle raised around the world release vast quantities of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. Limiting meat consumption will encourage smaller herds, which will help cool our planet.

Bike Instead of Ride

You keep one pound of CO2 out of the environment for every mile you don’t drive. Additionally, biking will lead to increased health and vitality.

Demand Change

Demand that your elected leaders make the climate a priority, locally, at the state level, and nationally. Politicians are greening their speeches, we now have to hold their feet to the fire so they green their actions and votes.

Lights Off

Turn your lights off every time you leave a room. You will be surprised at the energy you save.

Drink Tap

Bottled water creates over 1.5 million tons of plastic waste each year, which takes about 47 million gallons of oil to produce. Stop buying bottled water and instead filter your tap water.


Deliberate or not, many of today’s modern appliances and gadgets (their chargers) are energy thieves contributing to Global Warming. Appliances and chargers (including MP3 player and cell phone chargers) drain electricity, even when they’re not in use. Forty percent of home energy is used to power devices that are turned off. Using power strips, unplugging unnecessary electronics when not in use can save a great deal of money and energy.

Go Organic

Organic agriculture produces soil excellent at storing carbon, keeping it out of the atmosphere. Organic fields are more resistant to droughts and flood than conventional fields. Purchasing organic supports increase of organic acreage keeping CO2 out of the atmosphere.


Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL) last 12 times longer than incandescent bulbs. If every home in America switched one incandescent bulb to a CFL, it would be equivalent to taking one million cars off the roads. LED’s promise even greater savings, promise greater CO2 reductions.

We all can contribute our share to fighting global warming, and these ten simple steps will make a difference if embraced and practiced by all of us. If we do our part, we can create a healthy, thriving, green eco-friendly planet for generations to come. Scientists agree, for the world to continue living comfortably on our planet, we must reduce carbon emissions by 80 percent before 2050. It is an attainable goal if we all do our part. No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.

ZAP Electric Car Shatters August Sales Record

ZAP News-Have You Been ZAPPED?

SANTA ROSA, Calif.-Electric Transportation pioneer ZAP has announced record August Sales as a result of increasing public/private demand for its Advanced Technology division EV's (Electric Vehicles). This growing demand is the highest since the original launch of ZAP's Xebra sedan and truck in 2006.

Unaudited sales records for August 2008 show sales grew to almost three quarters of a million dollars at $737,000. This represents a very impressive 88 percent growth in sales and demand from August 2007 when ZAP turned in $392,000 in sales.

ZAP CEO, Steve Schneider , attributes this sales grow to a combination of high gas prices, coupled with the fact that ZAP produces one of the few high quality affordable EV's (Electric Vehicles) that is readily available to the end line consumer. The ZAP assembly line produced EV's are affordable, street-legal, and capable of reaching/maintaining city speed limits (40 MPH).

Welcome To American EV

Greetings Readers:

I've been blogging for several years, have a host of blogs, a few of them with a regular, loyal readership. So why another blog, and a GREEN one at that? First, my Green Nuclear Butterfly blog that was founded December 27, 2006 though a Green Blog is dedicated over to Anti Nuclear issues, thus limiting my choice of topics. My Washington Scandals blog is too controversial, meant to be provocative and confrontational...hopefully in being so, causing people to think. I needed a blog that would give my Green Voice an adequate platform, and American EV is that voice.

American EV is going to be confrontational, is going to be Green, and will hopefully get my readers to think about themselves, and the world we all share. I'll write about EV's (Electric Vehicles), do some green product reviews on occasion, and when necessary use my green pen to attack the Hypocrisy of the UBER RICH and Hollywood Elite who love to proudly proclaim themselves GREEN because they have all the latest GREEN TOYS in their obscenely large and decadent homes. I'll challenge the Green Fashion Industry when I think they are Green Washing themselves (Summer Rayne Oaks comes to mind) and their products as a means to financial rewards, rather than being True Green Entrepreneurs™ with Corporate Policy that works to reduce our collective environmental impact on Mother Earth.

1. I oppose Carbon Offsets...they are a bogus means of Green Washing carbon intensive lifestyle and industrial/manufacturing processes that are poisoning Mother Earth, and contributing to Global Warming. Al Gore and the Nuclear Industry are two different but prime examples. Al Gore justifies his obscenely decadent lifestyle by purchasing offsets. Sorry Mr. Gore, but if you want to be the God of Green, clean up your act, instead of buying get out of jail free (carbon offsets) cards. The nuclear industry wants to gain even greater riches SELLING carbon offsets. Problem is, the nuclear industry's heated discharge waters (over 600 Billion gallons a day world wide) may be the single largest contributor to Global Warming, as well as the single largest threat to our potable water supplies.

2. I oppose nuclear energy as a significant part of the Energy Solution...more on this topic as this blog develops and unfolds.

3. Global Warming cannot be solved without our out of control Human Population Growth being compassionately addressed...unchecked population growth must be addressed, and dealt with in a socially responsible fashion that preserves personal freedom and choice. We must deploy a world wide Family Responsiblity campaign to encourage smaller families so that we can rein in our World Population, shrink the size of the average family in an effort to preserve limited World Resources. I am Pro-Choice as a political and human rights choice, however; I am for family planning aimed at reducing human population over time to save the world from itself, to encourage our world population to embrace the concept of resource based family planning. Reality is simple...our world will not support unchecked population growth, we cannot create a balanced use and replenishment system for our Natural Resources without a Managed World Population.

4. A consumption oriented world Economy will not work. We need to embrace a World Mind Set that Less is More. We need no better examples of a failed model than to look first at the destruction we have wrought on Planet Earth, coupled with the collapsing world economy as our living beyond our means, unchecked consumption catches up with us.

Our comments section will be open, and we encourage heated debate of the issues. We welcome guest columns, and are always looking to add talented bloggers to our team. If you are interested in contributing an article or becoming an EV America blogger please contact our Senior Editing Staff at EV American Hybrid or our Publisher at American EV.