Thursday, October 23, 2008

Welcome To American EV

Greetings Readers:

I've been blogging for several years, have a host of blogs, a few of them with a regular, loyal readership. So why another blog, and a GREEN one at that? First, my Green Nuclear Butterfly blog that was founded December 27, 2006 though a Green Blog is dedicated over to Anti Nuclear issues, thus limiting my choice of topics. My Washington Scandals blog is too controversial, meant to be provocative and confrontational...hopefully in being so, causing people to think. I needed a blog that would give my Green Voice an adequate platform, and American EV is that voice.

American EV is going to be confrontational, is going to be Green, and will hopefully get my readers to think about themselves, and the world we all share. I'll write about EV's (Electric Vehicles), do some green product reviews on occasion, and when necessary use my green pen to attack the Hypocrisy of the UBER RICH and Hollywood Elite who love to proudly proclaim themselves GREEN because they have all the latest GREEN TOYS in their obscenely large and decadent homes. I'll challenge the Green Fashion Industry when I think they are Green Washing themselves (Summer Rayne Oaks comes to mind) and their products as a means to financial rewards, rather than being True Green Entrepreneurs™ with Corporate Policy that works to reduce our collective environmental impact on Mother Earth.

1. I oppose Carbon Offsets...they are a bogus means of Green Washing carbon intensive lifestyle and industrial/manufacturing processes that are poisoning Mother Earth, and contributing to Global Warming. Al Gore and the Nuclear Industry are two different but prime examples. Al Gore justifies his obscenely decadent lifestyle by purchasing offsets. Sorry Mr. Gore, but if you want to be the God of Green, clean up your act, instead of buying get out of jail free (carbon offsets) cards. The nuclear industry wants to gain even greater riches SELLING carbon offsets. Problem is, the nuclear industry's heated discharge waters (over 600 Billion gallons a day world wide) may be the single largest contributor to Global Warming, as well as the single largest threat to our potable water supplies.

2. I oppose nuclear energy as a significant part of the Energy Solution...more on this topic as this blog develops and unfolds.

3. Global Warming cannot be solved without our out of control Human Population Growth being compassionately addressed...unchecked population growth must be addressed, and dealt with in a socially responsible fashion that preserves personal freedom and choice. We must deploy a world wide Family Responsiblity campaign to encourage smaller families so that we can rein in our World Population, shrink the size of the average family in an effort to preserve limited World Resources. I am Pro-Choice as a political and human rights choice, however; I am for family planning aimed at reducing human population over time to save the world from itself, to encourage our world population to embrace the concept of resource based family planning. Reality is simple...our world will not support unchecked population growth, we cannot create a balanced use and replenishment system for our Natural Resources without a Managed World Population.

4. A consumption oriented world Economy will not work. We need to embrace a World Mind Set that Less is More. We need no better examples of a failed model than to look first at the destruction we have wrought on Planet Earth, coupled with the collapsing world economy as our living beyond our means, unchecked consumption catches up with us.

Our comments section will be open, and we encourage heated debate of the issues. We welcome guest columns, and are always looking to add talented bloggers to our team. If you are interested in contributing an article or becoming an EV America blogger please contact our Senior Editing Staff at EV American Hybrid or our Publisher at American EV.

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